Real Togetherness!

Now, Living in this media world we have certainly forgotten the meaning real happiness! By real happiness I literally mean the joy of spreading love, happiness and moist of all togetherness! Adapting and updating ourselves with this modern era, probably surrounded among gadgets and other social media tools is all what defines our living today!

We all are so busy building our near future that we don’t even realise we are really missing out on the real sense of sharing happiness among others at present! It’s time we shall all drag out few moments from our own busy hectic schedules , and give it a shot to spread joy and happiness among others!

Getting in touch with the people we really care about or our loved ones, sharing and expressing every bit of happiness with not only bring happiness to ourselves but also will frame out this magical moments with others too! Happiness and joy are two magical words with automatically bring smile on each face! So why not do more of that so in order to keep yourself rejoiced with the pleasure of happiness lets bring out happiness for others as we all know sharing is caring so real togetherness lies when we all join hands as one and support each other with the best of the abilities. Furthers joining hands together and supporting in each other will not only fetch happiness to one but in all.

Also spreading happiness and joy not only means sharing and solving problems of others but also bring out the best for others as well , being really helpful and supporting  and  also spreading the affection of laughter!

Being in  the real world, I would love sharing a short piece of story about it, while passing by an expensive food mart in Greater Kialash i saw a poor kid hiding out for shelter in that rainy and misty weather, where he was asking out for some of peoples contribution or donation since his mother was fighting her battle of cancer. Holding a banner or hoarding in hi one hand and box holding some coins and notes, stood whole day long so that he can pled for his mother’s life. I saw many people cross by looking at the poor kid.. yes some did help in proving their share as donation but others just treated him as another beggar on the treat! Really surprising isn’t it? I went to , just like some of the soft hearted people i gave my contribution and talked to the little boy ! I could feel the pain in his eyes. Many people saw me talking to the little boy even many of them provided the little boy something to eat, gave their contribution and helped him bring a gain of joy and happiness. The real sense of togetherness stands out there! When we all support each other join hands as one mankind family to spread immense love and affection! The little boy smiled at times and felt supported and loved. Spreading this joy is the most magical feeling ever felt by anyone just by proving happiness to others. And yes as we say “ Khushiya baatne se badhti hai”

So yes each of us can take a step forward in spreading this message of joy further.

so spreading this love and happiness further refer to this link

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